Monday, June 29, 2009

Effects On Children Of Divorced Parents

Getting divorced is rough, period. Although one of my friends have divorced, he did it for one reason and it was to be able to purchase some property. However, there are effects on children of divorced parents. If there isn't and since I have a kid, I'll be lying to you if I claim there isn't any because there is. Here are some the effects that it has with my daughter.
  • Grow up without her mom and dad.
  • Live with her mom and possibly her boyfriend, who plans on moving in with her mom when both her and her boyfriend's divorces are finalized.
  • Her dad (me) will be 300 miles apart unless I move closer to her.
  • Emotionally hurt without both parents being around.
  • Her mom and dad may fight when they see each other.
There is no better way for children to live the rest of their lives without their mom and dad. If there's a loser in the divorce, it's not the mom nor the dad. It's the children.

Before considering a divorce, make sure you understand its effects on children. Always try to patch things up with your spouse before you undertake the task of filing for a divorce because it hasn't been a pleasant experience for me nor my daughter. At least, be prepared for anything that may happen when you get served with a divorce petition by a sheriff or anyone over the age of 18.

Don't forget to get a lawyer and respond to the divorce petition. You're gonna need it because your spouse will do everything they can to take you to the cleaners if you don't.

Good luck and have a blessed day.

Was Getting Divorced A Good Thing That Happened?

Was it good thing that happened for him? In his opinion, it forced him to face several challenges. Separation from his daughter, loss of his family, changes in living status, psychological damage such as depression due to the separation of father and child, and the child's mother who made life horrible.

Sidney advised everyone who's an American or a citizen of a non-third world country (e.g. UK, Canada, or the U.S.) who plans to marry a foreigner to either sign a prenuptial agreement or not do it at all. He believes that the spouse who's a 3rd-world national would do anything to come to the U.S., get their citizenship, and once that took place, get both parents to the U.S., and then later divorce their spouses.

Don't do it!!! If you're an American citizen, marry another American citizen one who's already a green card holder. If it's too good to be true, then it must be too good and in the end, you get screwed. Think twice before you marry a foreign national.

Getting A Divorce Lawyer Is A Good Idea If You're Getting Divorced

Well I asked myself this question. Should you get a lawyer if you're marriage is being dissolved? It depends on what's involved. Remember that most states have a no-fault type divorce. That means that if for some reason you're dissatisfied with your marriage, you can go and file for a divorce for any reason.

However, it doesn't end with the filing of the petition. There's a lot more than that and some divorces can get nasty. Any assets, liabilities (unsecured debt), and issues with the children such as custodial and support issues will have to be resolved and it may take a judge in an overworked court system to decide how everything in an accounting balance sheet (assets, liabilities, and equity) will be resolved. That's when a lawyer comes in. Do you need to get a lawyer? Something this complicated may require one because these assets and liabilities may be in the several thousand dollars or even millions. That's when a lawyer who has the knowledge and experience of the family laws of their state of domicile is needed.

You can deal with the trial yourself, but most states require you to get a lawyer because the judges won't let a hearing proceed without each party having a representation. You must get a lawyer in order to have a chance of making sure that your rights are exercised. Additionally, your divorcing spouse is going to get one as well, so it's always a good idea to get one. What you need is a lawyer who has experience with these types of cases because of several years of practice and expertise.

So whether you like it or not, it's always a good idea to get a lawyer if you're getting divorced or you'll wind up getting screwed out of your rights.

Are You Getting Divorced?

Getting divorced is one of the things that can bring your life down. That's because you lose everything you have, especially, the love that you have for your spouse and your children will have to live without having both parents together.

Nowadays, the laws about getting divorced really sucks. It's like buying a dress at your favorite department store. If they don't like the dress, you can bring it back for any reason. Divorces are like that too. If you don't want to be married to your spouse, you can simply file a divorce for any reason. Whether it is your fault or your spouse's fault, it doesn't matter. In most states like California and Nevada, where I live, divorces that are filed are considered "no-fault". That means you can file a divorce for any reason and there is nothing your spouse can do about it.

If you or your spouse decided on a divorce, it can be simple or it can be nasty. Divorce is not a simple matter. It's a matter that can get complicated. When you part ways with your spouse, everything that you and your spouse have acquired together will be divided equally. You get half and your spouse gets the other half. That includes your property, other assets, debts, and your retirement. In addition, you may have to provide spousal support, work with your spouse on child custody, and provide child support if you have children. Under normal circumstances, everything must be divided equally.

There are other issues that may arise and it has to do with computation of how much each party involved in a divorce will be entitled to. You may have to get a lawyer to fight for your rights and anything you can't agree upon will be decided by a judge.

In my opinion, the winners of this divorce depends, but most of the time, the divorce lawyers cash in. Everyone else loses and divorces has the most impact on the children.

All I can tell you is do your homework and make sure you know your rights when you go though a divorce. Remember, everything is 50-50, regardless.
